In today's world, there are a large number of adult websites. This is a whole industry that includes both video and photo content as well as forums, blogs, chats, TV channels, news resources, streams, communities, and social networks. Everyone is trying to stand out from the crowd and find their audience. So that you understand how big this niche is, I want to give you some statistics. On average, every second 28,258 users are watching pornography on the internet, 372 people are typing the word "adult" into a search engine, $3,075.64 is being spent on pornography on the internet. If you want to become a part of this business and create your project for adults, then this article is just for you.
First of all, you need to choose a promising category, and then develop a project that you will implement. Today, sites with video content, streams and communities are the most promising. I would like to talk about them in more detail and consider them in the article. When you have already decided on the type of your project, you need to find hosting for adult content. Not all hosting providers allow hosting of adult content. That's why you need adult friendly hosting. It is implied that this should be a provider that is loyal to this kind of content. It is recommended to consider adult hostings that have servers in the Netherlands. Because the legislation of this country is the most loyal to the adult industry. MidnightHost is exactly that type of adult content hosting.
Once the hosting provider is selected, let's go to the adult hosting server that we need. If you decide to implement a porn site with videos, then you need to decide whether to make the site yourself, order its development from third-party specialists or use one of the available Adult Tube Scripts. If you are on a tight budget and are not an experienced developer, then I would recommend the latter option as it will be faster and cheaper. You can consider a WordPress script. A license for a year will cost €177.3 + the cost of the theme €21.6. Total will be €198.9. WordPress provides a large number of plugins that can be purchased separately. I won't be adding any plugins as we are just building the site. If such a need arises in the future, we will definitely purchase it.
The next step is to choose a server from our adult site hosting to host our site. I do not recommend considering a shared hosting service for the deployment of such projects, since the resources for stable video playback will not be enough. Therefore, we are considering adult vps, adult dedicated server or adult cloud hosting. Our project is only at the stage of creation and configuration, so we will choose a budget option, but powerful enough for video playback - Adult Cloud VPS #3.
According to the selected tariff, we will have access to 6 vCPU cores on Intel Xeon Gold processors, with an operating frequency of up to 3.7 GHz for fast processing of requests, 15 Gb of random access memory on DDR4 technology for a quick response to requests, 100 Gb of disk space for saving information, implemented on SSD NVMe drives and an Internet channel with a speed of 1 Gbps for instant transfer of packets between the client and the server. And this is at a rental price of €20.99/month. Great specs for the price, right? Moreover, the price includes free round-the-clock technical support and the possibility of switching to a higher tariff in a few clicks, since the servers are implemented on OpenStack cloud technology. We add the cost of renting the server to our total - €219.89.
If our project was a streaming resource or streaming video, or a very popular site with a large number of daily visitors, then we would definitely consider an adult dedicated server. However, for our new start-up project, an adult cloud server will be enough. You must also rent a top-level domain. The approximate rental cost per year will be around €20. We will also add to our sum and round up. The initial cost of the project will cost you around €240.
At the expense of filling the site, part of the video will be available from the purchased WordPress Adult Tube Script. The videos are physically located on the servers of the script partners, and they will be broadcast on your server through the player. It is very convenient and saves you money, because you do not need to rent space for video storage. It also removes the issue of author's rights to published content. You can integrate the rest of the video into the site later using a script or independently from other resources.
If you have any questions or problems when deploying the project on the server, you can contact us in the chat on the website or in the request in your personal account. Our technical specialists are always ready to help solve problems in the shortest possible time. Midnight Hosting – adult hosting for adult solutions. Join us and become a part of the adult community.